
SunPeek Publications

Tschopp, D. et al. (2024) ‘SunPeek Open-Source Software for ISO 24194 Performance Assessment and Monitoring of Large-Scale Solar Thermal Plants’, International Sustainable Energy Conference - Proceedings, 1. Available at: Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2024) Digital Tools for Solar Thermal Plant Monitoring. A Handbook for Plant Operators and Associated Stakeholders. Version 1.0 (June 2024). Graz: DIH Süd. Available at: Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2023) ‘One year of high-precision operational data including measurement uncertainties from a large-scale solar thermal collector array with flat plate collectors, located in Graz, Austria’, Data in Brief, 48, p. 109224. Available at: Cite Download

SunPeek Presentations & Workshops

Tschopp, D. et al. (2024) ‘Workshop “Digital Tools for Solar Thermal Plant Monitoring”’, 25 June. Cite Download
Becke, W. (2024) ‘SunPeek - Open-Source-Software für Performancebewertung und Monitoring solarthermischer Anlagen nach ISO 24194’. 34. Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme, Bad Staffelstein, 14 May. Cite Download
Ohnewein, P. et al. (2024) ‘SunPeek Open-Source Software for ISO 24194 Performance Assessment and Monitoring of Large-Scale Solar Thermal Plants’. ISEC 2024, Graz, 11 April. Cite Download
Ohnewein, P. (2024) ‘IEA SHC Task 68 Meeting (Graz, AT). Presentation: “Guide to ISO 24194:2022”’, 9 April. Cite Download
Guggenberger, W. (2024) ‘Neue digitale Tools zur optimalen  Betriebsführung von solaren Großanlagen’. Ferwärmetage 2024, Linz, 21 March. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2024) ‘Workshop “SunPeek Open-Source Software for Monitoring of Large-Scale Solar Thermal Plants”’, 28 February. Cite Download
Tschopp, D., Feierl, L. and Hamilton-Jones, M. (2023) ‘Q&A Follow-Up Workshop „Digitale Tools für das Monitoring von solarthermischen Großanlagen“. Organisation: AEE INTEC und DIH Süd, in Zusammenarbeit mit Austria Solar und dem Entwicklerteam der SunPeek Software. Ort: Online (in German)’, 22 November. Cite Download
Holter, C. et al. (2023) ‘SunPeek Open-Source Software for Checking the Performance of Solar Thermal Plants’. SHC/SWC 2023, New Dehli, 2 November. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2023) ‘Workshop „Digitale Tools für das Monitoring von solarthermischen Großanlagen“. Organisation: AEE INTEC und DIH Süd, in Zusammenarbeit mit Austria Solar und dem Entwicklerteam der SunPeek Software. Ort: AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf (in German)’, 19 October. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2023) ‘IEA SHC Task 68 Meeting (Härnösand, SE). Presentation: “Guide to ISO 24194:2022”’, 10 October. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. (2023) ‘IEA SHC Task 68 Meeting (Copenhagen, DK). Presentation: “SunPeek. Open source software for performance check and advanced monitoring of large-scale solar thermal plants”’, 1 June. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. (2023) ‘HarvestIT - Open Source Software für Performance-Nachweise und Betriebsüberwachung von solarthermischen Großanlagen’. 33. Symposium Solarthermie und Innovative Wärmesysteme, 10 May. Cite Download
Ohnewein, P. (2022) ‘Webinar Austria Solar (Online).  Presentation “HarvestIT: Neue Software für Performance-Nachweise für Solare Großanlagen” (DE)’, 17 November. Available at: Cite Download
Ohnewein, P. (2022) ‘Erfahrungsaustausch-Treffen „Betreiber und Errichter von Solaren Großanlagen“ (Klagenfurt, AT).  Presentation “Monitoring und Garantieverfahren für Solare Großanlagen - Neue digitale Methoden und aktuelle Entwicklungen” (DE)’, 23 June. Cite Download
Ohnewein, P. (2022) ‘IEA SHC Task 68 Meeting (Graz, AT). Presentation: “HarvestIT. Open innovation and open source development of an advanced monitoring solution for large-scale solar thermal plants”’, 5 April. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. (2021) ‘FFG Fast Track Digital Kick-off (Online). Presentation “HarvestIT- Kurzvorstellung Projekt” (DE)’, 5 October. Cite Download

Related Publications, Presentations & Workshops

Tschopp, D. et al. (2022) ‘Measurement and modeling of diffuse irradiance masking on tilted planes for solar engineering applications’, Solar Energy, 231, pp. 365–378. Available at: Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2021) Application of Performance Check (PC) Method to Large Collector Arrays. IEA SHC FACT SHEET 55 B-D1.1. IEA SHC. Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2020) ‘Large-scale solar thermal systems in leading countries: A review and comparative study of Denmark, China, Germany and Austria’, Applied Energy, 270, p. 114997. Available at: Cite Download
Ohnewein, P. et al. (2020) Dynamic Collector Array Test (D-CAT). Final Report FFG Project 848766 - MeQuSo. Development of methods for quality assessment of large-scale solar thermal plants under real operating conditions. Gleisdorf: AEE INTEC. Cite Download
Fahr, S. et al. (2019) ‘Review of in situ Test Methods for Solar Thermal Installations’, in Proceedings of SWC 2019/SHC 2019. International Solar Energy Society, pp. 1–10. Available at: Cite Download
Tschopp, D. et al. (2017) ‘In-situ Testing of Large Collector Arrays – Challenges and Methodological Framework’, in Proceedings of SWC2017/SHC2017. International Solar Energy Society, pp. 1–10. Available at: Cite Download